Comfy Crawlers

Choose from 5 different patterns on different combinations of color 
background and color prints. We have limited stock for each combination.

Australian Combo
(from top left to bottom right)
1. Blue background / Yellow print
2. Blue background / Red print
3. Yellow background / Blue print
4. Yellow background / Red print
5. Purple background / Red print
6. Purple background / Yellow print

(from top left to bottom right)
7. Blue background / Yellow print
8. Blue background / Red print
9. Yellow background / Blue print
10. Purple background / Yellow print
11. Yellow background / Red print

(from top left to bottom right)
12. Blue background / Yellow print
13. Blue background / Red print
14. Yellow background / Blue print
15. Yellow background / Red print
16. Purple background / Yellow print
17. Purple background / Red print 

(from top left to bottom right)
18. Blue background / Red print
19. Blue background / Yellow print
20. Yellow background / Red print
21. Yellow background / Blue print
22. Purple background / Red print
23. Purple background / Yellow print

(from top left to bottom right)
24. Blue background / Red print
25. Blue background / Yellow print
26. Yellow background / Blue print
27. Yellow background / Red print
28. Purple background / Yellow print
29. Purple background / Red print

Price: SGD 28.90.

Introductory price: SGD 26.50.

What's so cool about these Comfy Crawlers from Down-Under

No more scratches, bruising, red and sore dirty knees or even band-aids
Crawlers are made specially to protect baby's knees against friction from crawling on floors or hitting against rough surfaces. These thickly padded knee pads are ultra soft and comfortable for use on babies' knees. Comfy Crawlers encourages crawling and offers confidence when it's time for your baby to learn walking.

Use them indoors and outdoors
Crawlers are also meant for toddlers to use when walking, running or playing outdoors. If it gets too tight, simply attach velcro extensions (sold separately) to the top part of the Comfy Crawler as the straps around the calves will still fit.

Suitable from 6-months till 4 years of age.

Why we love these Comfy Crawlers...
  • Because it's made of denim material on the outside and not cotton, it doesn't tear or wear off as easily
  • Its highly durable denim material allows knee pads to withstand friction against floors or even rough surfaces.
  • Dacron foam underneath the denim gives extra padding and comfort for daily crawling.
  • Cotton lining on the inside makes it breathable for baby's knees so there's less chance of itching. 
  • Non-slip pattern enhances traction on polished floors and tiles.
  • Unique cup design prevents kneepads from moving once strapped on.
  • Can be worn directly on the knees or over clothing.
  • Machine washable. Allow to dry naturally.

Most of all we love these Comfy Crawlers because of the adjustable straps.
  • Velcro straps are made of fleece which makes it comfortable to wear
  • It's easy to put them on and off without having to take off shoes or putting them through the feet first.
  • Can be worn even when your kid grows bigger, so essentially your baby grows up with them! 
  • Even when they are old enough to walk or run outdoors, these Comfy Crawlers will still safeguard their knees as you'll never know when they might trip or stumble on pavements or at playgrounds and parks.
  • Because the soft, fleecy velcro straps do not completely cover the back of knees or trap sweat, your child has less chance of developing rashes.

And so that's why we are proud to bring in Comfy Crawlers.


Crawling is an important developmental stage in your baby’s life. The mechanics of crawling stimulate different areas of the brain – areas that are critical to future learning.

Crawling enhances your baby’s development by:

  • stimulating brain activity through repetitive movement, and thus developing cognitive processes such as concentration, memory and comprehension;
  • strengthening balance, muscle tone and hand/eye co-ordination, which are necessary for future reading, writing, and physical activities;
  • improving left and right brain co-ordination as both hands, legs, eyes and ears are required to work in synchronisation;
  • building confidence as the child determines where he/she wants to go, moves in that direction, and thus, achieves their goal;
  • stimulating abstract thinking skills as your child realises their position in the environment, and anticipates and avoids obstacles;
  • providing them with many hours of enjoyment, and sensory stimulation, as they explore their surroundings.

Crawling begins with your baby having time on his/her tummy

Since the realisation that sleeping a baby on their back dramatically reduces their chances of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), many parents have been hesitant to give their baby necessary ‘tummy time’. This has directly resulted in flat spots on babies’ heads, flaccid neck muscles and poor head control in some babies. 

Tummy time, during waking hours, is vital for the development of strong neck and shoulder muscles, and head control, as the baby is encouraged to lift his/her head in order to observe the world around them. Make tummy time fun in the early months by lying your baby on your chest in a semi-upright position, or propping them up with a rolled towel under their arms. Once Baby has mastered the head lifting skill, you may like to encourage forward movement by placing a toy, or yourself, in front of, but slightly out of his/her reach. You’ll be surprised at how quickly, and early, the reaching, grasping, pulling, and pushing-up-onto-all-fours skills can be developed and achieved, with a little coaxing and persistence.

Remember to baby proof your home

Once your baby shows the initial signs of movement, it’s imperative you take quick action as full mobility is swift. Ensure stairways are gated, and fragile and dangerous objects are out of reach, as it won’t be long before he/she is pulling him/herself up on the furniture.

Most babies learn to crawl between 6-10 months old, and may continue beyond their first birthday. Babies’ crawling efforts can be frustrated by a multitude of environmental obstacles as their sensitive knees come into contact with harsh surfaces in and around your home. Polished floors and tiles make them slip and slide. 

Carpets can cause friction burns and redness. Pavers and concrete produce scrapes and grazes, or unnecessary strain on their developing muscles as they compensate by moving on hands-and-feet-with-bottom-in-the-air. ‘Comfy Crawlers’ can alleviate all these painful situations by providing traction, padding and comfort as your baby explores his/her expanding world. 

By securing ‘Comfy Crawlers’ over your baby’s clothes you can also avoid wear and tear. You’ll be glad you did - they’ll give you peace-of-mind! Remember, every child is unique, and will develop at their own pace. Enjoy every moment!